The Earth NGO
 An Organization in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 2019
The Earth NGO
About The Earth NGO

Here to Bring People Together
to Help

"EARTH is an Organization in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 2019.” 'EARTH' is an Observer to the "State Parties Convention against Corruption" organized by UNODC, Vienna, and an Observer to the "Committee of Experts on Public Administration" organized at the UN Head Quarters, New York.

Welcome to The Earth NGO

Participate in Changing the World

The master-builder of human happiness no one rejects, dislikes
or avoids pleasure itself pleasure.

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Success Stories, To Know About Our The Earth NGO

The majority have suffered alteration all injected humours randomises.

Upcoming events

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This event is a fantastic opportunity for us to come together and celebrate our community while raising awareness and funds for our important work.

Interesting Numbers

The Earth NGO Facts & Figures

The master-builder of human happiness no one rejects, dislikes
or avoids pleasure itself pleasure.


Clothing Distribution


Meals Distribution


Help for Education



Blog & Article

Join our latest upcoming events

This event is a fantastic opportunity for us to come together and celebrate our community while raising awareness and funds for our important work.
